Welcome to Mill City Roasters®
Your next move in specialty coffee
Coffee roasting systems engineered for ultimate precision control coupled with advanced production tools that let you repeat your favorite profiles at the push of a button.
Photo by River Roasters Coffee Co in Pomeroy, OH
Class: Roasting 101
Learn to Roast Coffee
Our popular Roasting 101 class serves as a launching pad for coffee lovers aiming to become coffee roasters and coffee business owners. This apprentice-style course is the jumpstart you need to get started.
A curated selection of green coffee from our in-house roastery
Shop all green coffeeMARCH 23-25
Mill City Roasters® returns as the official Roasting Education Sponsor of Coffee Fest in 2025. Join us in NYC and level-up your specialty coffee business with our industry's fastest growing trade event offering more free education & accessible content for everyone in coffee.
Not near NYC? Coffee Fest is coming to Portland, Orlando, and LA this year! All new class schedule!
This week in coffee
Mill City Roasters takes on Leaderboard
Last month, the roasting and sensory team here at Mill City had a chance to test their coffee tasting and identification skills with season 17...
Notes from the Cupping Table: February 2025
The shortest month of the year held up to its reputation and flew by in the blink of an eye. Before I could put down...
Coffee Fest Kicks-off in NYC
Mill City Roasters is returning to Coffee Fest New York this March 23-25 for our third year as the official Roasting Education Sponsor of Coffee...
Ethiopia Guji Arsosala: A surprising green coffee offering
Ethiopia Guji Arsosala Washed New in the roastery at Mill City is a washed offering from the Arsosala washing station in the Guji region of...
40-pound Green Coffee Offerings: A cost-effective way to source
An answer to uncertainty Beginning this week, we'll be offering some of our best-selling coffee blends and single-origin offerings in a larger, 40-lb box format....
Notes from the Cupping Table: January 2025
It's the beginning of a new year here at Mill City Roasters, and we're already off to a great start. This January, we hosted our...
Your specialty coffee HQ
If you have a plan, we are the partner you need
Every year, more and more specialty coffee professionals are starting long-term partnerships with our company. Whether you're starting from zero or leveling up, our team of experienced coffee professionals, engineers & designers go above and beyond to help you source the correct equipment, communicate with installers, and keep your operations up and running.
If you plan to go far, you should go with Mill City.
Photo by Look Alive Coffee Roasters