Mill City Heads to Iowa for National Coffee Day Event with BLK & Bold

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Here at Mill City, every day is coffee day.

But for the rest of the country, October 1st is when we celebrate National Coffee Day.

This Saturday, October 1, we’re ringing in the holiday with our friends at BLK & Bold Roasters in Des Moines, Iowa for their National Coffee Day Event. We’re packing up our team, brewing gear, and a few roasters, and driving down in the Big Red Roast Rig. As part of the event, we’ll be serving BLK & Bold roasted coffee, crafting signature beverages to celebrate the fall season, and sharing information about a few of our roasters on board the truck.

If you’re in the area or close enough to make the drive, we’d love to see you at the event. More details can be found below as part of the official BLK & Bold Press Release:

BLK & Bold To Host First-Ever Interactive and Community-Driven Coffee Day Event

In celebration of International Coffee Day, the first Black-owned, nationally distributed coffee brand will host a day of festivities in its Des Moines, Iowa community alongside family-owned craft roaster Mill City Roasters

Des Moines, IA – Sept. 23, 2022 Today, BLK & Bold, the first Black-owned nationally distributed coffee brand, is excited to announce their upcoming community-centered event to celebrate both National Coffee Day on and International Coffee Day, this upcoming Oct. 1, 2022 from 1PM-5PM, at the BLK & Bold Roastery at 5016 Park Avenue.

In partnerships with Mill City Roasters, the “BLK & BOLD Coffee Celebration” will be open to the public and include a roastery tour, food trucks, and music as well as a giveback component where 5% of proceeds from the event will go toward the brand’s social impact initiative, “For Our Youth,” which helps nonprofit organizations support children in underserved communities across the country.

“We want to be able to connect with the community and show not only how we make our specialty beverages, but why we started BLK & Bold in the first place – to make a meaningful impact,” said Co-Founder and CEO Pernell Cezar. “We want to celebrate the coffee lovers who have supported us thus far in our journey and those who continue to spark real conversations over a cup of BLK & Bold coffee this National/International Coffee Day.”

Minnesota based Mill City Roasters will provide personalized roasting BLK & Bold BLK & Bold specialty roasted coffee on espresso and brew bars through the brand’s famed mobile roasting lab Big Red Roast Rig. The event, which aims to provide a space for the community to center coffee around community, collaboration and purpose, will also have an educational component on-site to provide information about the machines and roasting process.

“Mill City is excited to participate as part of BLK & Bold’s National Coffee Day festivities. We will be driving down from our headquarters in Minneapolis with the Big Red Roast Rig, our mobile roasting lab,” said President Steve Green. “During the event, we’ll be showcasing BLK & Bold roasted coffee on our espresso and brew bars, offering samples as well as handcrafted signature beverages. We’ll also have roasters on display, with members of our education team available to provide information about the machines and the roasting process. We are looking forward to the opportunity to celebrate this day with BLK & Bold and get to know more of the Iowa coffee community!”

In addition, BLK & Bold Coffee Day event will feature food trucks and vendors including: Thelma’s Ice Cream, Mi Lindo Mexico Taco Truck, Veggie Thumper Food Truck, Confluence Brewery and DJ TMax Da Kid. The event will be open to the public and attendees can sign up for the roastery tour here as well.

Find more Information about the upcoming event here :


Founders, Pernell Cezar & Rod Johnson, created BLK & Bold with purpose. They welcome the obligation to equip young people with tools to live their best lives and overcome familiar unfortunate circumstances by turning a daily ritual, enjoying a cup of coffee & tea, into a means of giving back. BLK & Bold pledges 5% of its profits to initiatives aligned to sustaining youth programming, enhancing workforce development, and eradicating youth homelessness.

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