Historically, single-serve coffee pods have been a bit of a bummer. Typically utilizing low-quality roasted coffee, they tend to be under-dosed, resulting in a weak brew strength and a bitter, watery cup. They also produce an enormous amount of waste. Customers like them for convenience, and not much else.
GreenPod Coffee Packing is changing the narrative one single-serve pods. Their fully compostable pods look more like a small sealed paper filter than a K-Cup. With a higher dose of coffee, a customized grind size based on roast level, and a nitrogen-flushed pouch that allows for natural degassing, this is a whole new world in convenience coffee. GreenPod operates as a co-packer with small MOQs, making this product an easy option for even small roasting companies to add to their retail offerings.
Check out Lauren's conversation with Gary and Julie of GreenPod to learn more about their business, equipment, and how they're working to brew a better pod.

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